The REAL Reasons You’re Not Progressing in Aerial Class – Why Aren’t I Getting Better?

Photo by Masaru Watanabe. Me actively avoiding instruction.

Photo by Masaru Watanabe. Me actively avoiding instruction.

Well, why aren’t you getting better? Totally legit question! With some mostly legit answers. Training is hard, pointing your toe is hard, adulting is hard. Not eating the other half of your child’s cupcake that’s in the fridge not ten feet away is hard. Legit. But what is really standing in the way of your training? (hint: it’s not what you think… or maybe it is)

Reason #1 – You’re Slacking

Yes, you, friend. I’ve done it, you’ve done it, we’ve all done it. A little slacking here and there keeps you from becoming a very tense, neurotic mess. #FunToBeAround Sometimes, you cannot – cannot – muster the energy to give 100%. Know what? That’s OK. It really is, especially if you’re a recreational circus-er. BUT (you knew there was a but coming, or a butt), we are creatures of habit. Is 70% a habit for you? Are you writing things down? Videoing your training? Holding yourself to a standard that will result in progress? Because if you’re not, mystery solved.

Write down corrections, take notes, video if you’re allowed. Repeat.

Reason #2 – Your Teacher is Letting You Coast Because You’re a Pain in the Ass When You Get Corrections

Yup – secret’s out! Sometimes, we let you coast. To be fair, there are a number of reasons we might do this: maybe you’re overwhelmed and very sensitive today, or someone else needs more attention at the moment. This should be the exception, not the rule – and if it’s not, have a chat with your coach and ask for more feedback. But sometimes…

… you get a Laura in class! I am the WORST at taking corrections. I will argue, pitch hissies, and fight for my own limitations – it’s honestly a wonder anyone ever bothers to try to teach me. In fact, one day, in German wheel, my coach had had it up to HERE, and said, “Ok. When you’re ready to be a student, you let me know.”….. (crickets)…… (more crickets)….. (it got awkward)……

I got schooled, and rightly so. If you won’t accept feedback from the person who is trying to teach you, don’t be terribly surprised if they stop throwing good stuff your way. Also? You might want to watch that tone (“duh” your teacher a couple of times and watch the fun dynamic that unfolds).

Repeat after me: “Thank you.”

Reason #3 – You’re Never in Class

The number one thing you can do to get better? Show up. Spotty attendance will get you spotty results. Period. Consider too – if fabric class is the only physical exercise you’re getting all week, or the only strength training you slog through, expect a longer road.

Supplement with all sorts of things – Pilates, weight training, toning videos, hire a trainer, whatever. Just pursue strength! Move that booty.

Reason #4 – The Fire is Out

I get this one, I really do. Our relationship with our apparatus is a lot like relationships with people – you’ve got to keep it romantic. Are you in a rut? Not excited to come to class? Not only have I been there, I’m currently there. But, there’s one thing that never fails to get me going again: A GOAL. Revolutionary, I know. We get bored because we get predictable; our brains are wired to crave stimulation (new stuff) and the thrill of the chase (getting something you’ve been working on). You may not always burn with passion, but remember that you’re an active participant in the “relationship”. Spice it up.

Feed your passion by picking out new moves, putting together a piece, scheduling a meeting with your coach to set some goals, or going to see a circus show (video or YouTube if there’s nothing near you). Whatever gets your heart racing.

Reason #5 – Your Teacher Shouldn’t be Your Teacher

That’s right, I said it. Not all teachers and students have good chemistry together. If you and your teacher don’t have a love connection, or things just always feel tense, try out a new coach if that’s an option.

Additionally, if your inner compass is telling you that you’re not getting very good/safe training, the corrections consistently don’t ring true, or if your teacher seems to be winging it, moooooove along. There are lots of coaches who are fabulous, and lots who have exactly zero idea what they’re doing. Train with the former.

Find a new coach if the two of you lack chemistry, or if they’ve got some work to do in the teaching department.


If you’ve hit a plateau, or just don’t feel like you’re making ANY progress, talk to your coach! They will have suggestions for what you can focus on, and hey – circus is hard. If you think you’re going to be inverting like a pro in 6 weeks, you may need to manage your expectations.

What gets YOU out of a rut or propels you forward? Comment below! Love and pull-ups, Laura



As always, if you like this post, share it on your blog, the F-books, Twitter, and wherever else you crazy kids are sharing things these days.


8 comments on “The REAL Reasons You’re Not Progressing in Aerial Class – Why Aren’t I Getting Better?”

  1. Sheri

    Yes! All of the above are true! Having a goal is key. My first goal was just to be able to do a straddle up on the silks from the ground without using my foot… It took me nearly a year! Now I am working on that same goal for lyra. It takes me longer because: A – I am older, and B – I have had some health issues/setbacks/surgeries. But I love it. I do think one thing to keep motivated is simply loving what you are doing. So, I definitely agree, if you aren’t loving it, change it up!
    Thank you for your posts, they are always so inspiring and spot on.

  2. Jeff Kirschner

    Thanks for the great post! Immediately I read the whole thing because the question why am I not progressing comes up frequently. Then I do progress a little bit. One thing that helps is to try the hard stuff first. Don’t wait until the end of your training to do the thing yiur struggling with. I learned this in circus!!! From one of my great teachers and I am finding that it applies to every part of my life! Really! It’s easy to do the stuff your good at so save that for when your really tired. Then you end with something you can enjoy instead of something that’s frustrating. Maybe this is obvious but I didn’t learn it until 40 skmething years old and learning fabric!

  3. Caroline

    Yes! Reason #3 is especially relevant for me! After years of slacking and phoning it in, an injury gave me a wake-up call. I can only schedule one silks class a week but boy does it help when I head to the gym before work and use training tips from my aerial teachers.

    Another awesome post. Thanks Laura!

  4. Allison

    I keep my fire lit by checking out new aerial videos on YouTube. In fact, I set up Google Alerts ( to create a feed for me based on the latest in the aerial community. So easy! 😀

    Great post! Keep ’em coming 🙂

  5. Rachel

    This hit me where I live! I’m in a circus rut with my apparatus (rope) and a slacker. This month I decided to go to the studio for solo workouts on my own to get my rear in gear. It’s too soon to tell if any of my extra conditioning is making an impact, but it can’t hurt, right?!?! Enjoyed reading that I’m not the only one feeling these things!

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