Find Your Inner Superhero – Increasing Strength for Aerial Acrobatics

Are you feeling more Peter Parker than Spider Man? Less Storm, more drizzle? I hear ya! Let’s get all strong for the new year! … But how?…

Get To Class!

My personal favorite! Nothing trumps aerial training for building the muscles you need for, well, aerial training! Aim for at least one class and 1-2 practice sessions per week and you’ll be dangling pretty faster than you can say, “Flame on!”

Get to the Gym

If you belong to a gym, for heavens sake GO! Once you get there, don’t even waste your time with the piddly weights. We’re looking to gain strength, so you want to work with the heaviest weight you can control with good form for 8-12 reps, cycle repeated 1-3 times. If you can raise the weight again after 12 reps, it’s TOO LIGHT – upgrade, friend! But first, I want to see you on that pull-up bar or assisted pull-up machine. A combination of free weights and machines are good – machines challenge you to lift more weight, but free weights force you to work on stability.

Torture Yourself at Home

No need to haul your tushy to the sweat factory – you can get a super strong body in the privacy of your own home (and no one will see your bunny-foot pajamas or the sweats with the unfortunately placed hole). A couple of dumb bells and a stability ball later, and your muscles rival the Terminator! Well, maybe not, but you sure will be sore. You can also find great online Pilates classes, stretching, mobility, and a whole host of resources just for aerialists. Get googling!

The most important things for building strength are consistency, working to fatigue with excellent form, cross training, and finding movement you love. Not sure where to start? I’m an ACE certified personal trainer, and a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified Corrective Exercise specialist – let’s book a virtual or in-person session! Have fun getting strong!!!! Love and pull-ups, Laura

PS – What is your superhero name? The color of your shirt + the first object on your right. I’m The Black Coupon! Cower in fear, villains! What’s yours?

Have you signed up for a class yet? What are you waiting for?

Seriously - these classes are not going to take themselves! Jump right in. Whether you "have zero upper body strength" or have been around the aerial block a few times, I'd love to see you in sessions!